The David Tomlinson Team Tennis Trophy
The David Tomlinson Team Tennis Trophy is back after an enforced absence due to lockdowns. This is a popular annual event with players divided into teams, each of which has a captain. A fixture list is drawn up and captains work out a rota for who plays in each match from their squads. Matches are at weekends, usually starting at 1.00p.m.
Each fixture has 3 rounds with 4 players per side. Players are numbered according to playing standard and there are 3 1 set rounds. Players partner each of their team-mates for 1 set. It’s a great way to get to know more club members and make new friends and is particularly good for new members,. For a more comprehensive set of rules see the list below the on-line entry form.
You can either enter on-line or by writing your name on the list in the clubhouse.
It would be great to have some new team captains so if you haven’t volunteered before please take a turn rather than leaving it to the same people.
Teams will be competing for The David Tomlinson Team Tennis Cup, named in honour of our former Chairman. The number of teams and players per squad will be determined by the number of entries. Players can enter by writing their names on the list in the clubhouse or via the on-line entry form.
Four players from each squad compete in each match. Each fixture will be made up of 6 sets, with players from each team partnering each other against their opposite numbers. Tie breaks will be played at 6-6 in every set. The order of play is shown on the results sheets. Teams must play in order of playing ability with the strongest at number 1. Please don’t try to use a suspect ‘tactical’ order as it tends to create mismatches and is no fun for anyone. If you are not sure of where any of your players should be put I will try to assist. In some cases it could be very close between players so can go either way, but some will be more obvious. I’d recommend liaising with other captains to try to match teams up as closely as possible, although who you pick is often dictated by availability.
Matches will be decided on sets won. If this is level then the match will be decided on the difference between winning games and losing games. If this is also level the match will be judged to gave been tied. Results sheets will be available on the notice-board. After the match the winning captain should post the completed results sheet on the board.
Points scoring system: 5 points for an outright win (on sets won)
4 points for a win on games difference after being 3-3 in sets
3 points for a tied match
2 points for a loss on games difference after being 3-3 in sets
1 point for an outright loss
Team captains will receive a fixture list with all dates and times. Captains are responsible for confirming all fixtures with their opposing team captains. I’d recommend doing this a few days before the fixture just to double-check everything. I’m sure captains won’t forget a fixture but it’s worth making sure. Teams must be given a nickname to be registered on the notice-board before the first match.
Captains are also responsible for selecting their teams and letting them know in good time for their matches. This year I am asking captains to create a list for their squad of who is playing in which match - a rota for the whole Team Tennis season. Begin by asking players if they know of any dates in the fixture list they can’t make. Of course things might happen nearer the time which mean players can’t make matches they were scheduled for and then the captain will have to move things around. However, this way at least players know well in advance when they are playing. Many problems have been caused by captains only putting team together at the last moment. Team captains must make sure they have balls for each match. Su Pryor will liaise with you on this.
Players pay a £5 entry fee. Each player should pay £5.00 (either cash or cheque payable to ‘Barnet L.T.C.’) to their team captain when they play their first match.
To ensure captains do not just pick their strongest players all the time the following rules apply. Every team has 8 matches - 2 against each of the other teams. All teams should try to give at least 3 matches to every player but no more than 4. This is possible with teams of 9 or 10 but there isn’t as much leeway with 10 players so will depend on availability. This year captains must draw up a rota at the start of the season after checking availability with players and they must submit this rota to John Hall. This is to help ensure captains are not asking at the last moment. Obviously circumstances can change and there will be times when the rota needs to be altered.
This year no official reserves will be allowed for teams who cannot field 4 players. Teams may re-arrange dates if they cannot field a team but the opposing team will have choice of dates for the rearranged match and John Hall (Tournament Referee) must be informed.
If a team does put out a player who is not in their squad, they will forfeit all matches with the ineligible player 6-0. Please check with John Hall before fielding a substitute to avoid a player who is an inappropriate standard taking part. Other matches will count so the team with the substitute player would have to win all remaining sets 6-0 to get a 3-3 draw. If they won all the remaining sets but dropped games (as would be more likely) the score would be 4 points to 2. If they dropped any of the remaining sets the score would be 5-1. The same rule applies for a team who plays someone who is over their quota of matches, unless there are extenuating circumstances e.g. another player has to withdraw from the competition through injury.
Weather conditions – fixtures may only be postponed if both team captains agree. Captains should make sure they are available to contact on match days by having their mobile phones with them, so their team and opposing captain can contact them if needed. To complete a match that has already started and bad weather intervenes, by mutual agreement between team captains remaining sets can be decided by playing a tie-break. Please check the fixture diary on the website and liaise with John Hall before re-arranging. Please write up the re-arranged fixture on the fixture list on the notice-board. I will try to ensure 2 re-arranged matches don’t take place at the same time unless it’s at a quiet time.
Final placings will be determined by: firstly, points scored as in rule 4; secondly, the difference between winning and losing sets; thirdly, the difference between winning and losing games; fourthly, the winner of the fixture between the two sides who are tied (if it is only 2 sides); fifthly, the team with the best nickname; sixthly, the team who has given the referee the least hassle and most bribe money.
The Tournament Referee is John Hall (07713 951489,