Adult Weekly Groups - Summer Term 2025
To book a place on a course please complete and submit the on-line course form below. Please read all the course information before you apply. Once you have applied you will receive an e-mail confirmation of whether or not you have a place. If you do have a place I will send you my bank account details so you can make a bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque.
Important Notices
Players should wear ‘recognised tennis clothing’ – no football shirts, jeans etc. Tennis shoes must have non-marking soles.
Players should apply for the same course their previous term unless they have been instructed to change. New players can contact John Hall (Club Coach) for advice if necessary:
Telephone: 0771-3951489 (M)
or E-Mail:
What happens if lessons are cancelled? – Players will be given credit vouchers for follow-on courses in the event of lessons being cancelled due to bad weather. These will be issued on the final week of each course. If you cannot make the final week, or it is cancelled due to bad weather, you may send a S.A.E. to ‘Mr. J. Hall, 2 Park Crescent, Enfield, Middx. EN2 6HS’ and I will post the vouchers to you. If you are in doubt about a lesson taking place please turn up to check. Please note players may not claim credits for lessons they miss which have not been cancelled e.g. holidays, illness etc.
You can pay by 2 equal cheques if you prefer, post-dating the 2nd cheque to the first session after the Half Term break.
Neither Barnet Lawn Tennis Club, nor any of the coaches working at the club, shall be liable for any injury sustained by anyone taking part in the above activity. We will undertake, however, to exercise all reasonable care and attention in making activities as safe as possible.