Junior Weekly Groups - Summer Term 2025
To book a place on a course please complete and submit the on-line course form below. Please read all the course information before you apply. Once you have applied you will receive an e-mail confirmation of whether or not you have a place. If you do have a place I will send you my bank account details so you can make a bank transfer. Alternatively, you can pay by cheque.
Important Notices:
For safety reasons parents should collect their children from the back of the courts – not from the car park or from Gloucester Road. Children of primary school age will be instructed to stay with the coaches at court-side until they have been collected. Any parents with children of this age who are allowed to go home by themselves must write a covering letter.
Priority is given in the following order: Barnet L.T.C. club members, players returning from previous course, and then in order of receiving applications. Priority list above only applies when bookings and cheques are received at least 7 days in advance of the course.
Players should wear ‘recognised tennis clothing’. No football shirts, jeans etc. Tennis shoes must be non-marking with no studs.
Which group should I apply for? – Players returning from previous courses should stay on the same course unless they have been advised to change. If necessary parents can contact one of the coaching team for advice.
Cancelled lessons. Please note players may not claim credits for lessons they miss which have not been cancelled e.g. holidays, illness etc. If we feel conditions are not fit for play we will send texts to the mobile numbers on the reply slips, where possible between half an hour and hour prior to the lesson time. Refunds will not be given for lessons which last 20 minutes or longer before conditions become unplayable. Players will receive credits via email for follow-up courses in the event that lessons are canceled due to bad weather. These credits will be issued during the final week of each course. If you are in doubt about a lesson taking place please turn up to check.
Neither Barnet Lawn Tennis Club, nor any of the coaches working at the club, shall be liable for any injury sustained by anyone taking part in the above activity. We will undertake, however, to exercise all reasonable care and attention in making activities as safe as possible.