We try to offer something for all standards of play within our junior coaching programme, form ages 5 to 16 years. Our weekly junior courses run during school term time, and we have Saturday and weekday options. We have a pathway for progression which starts with Mini Tennis Red Starter and leads up to our Junior Intermediate Group. Players who show particular aptitude and willingness to compete will be selected for our Invitation or Challenge Squads.

Both John and Doug really love the Modern Tennis International teaching progressions, and we regularly use their syllabus material and lesson plans. It’s so easy to teach and learn, and gets results quicker than other teaching systems we have used. Parents can also help their kids to improve by using the simple M.T.I. progressions. We think it's great to reward players for improvement, so we will be awarding M.T.I. certificates and badges to players of all ages who pass each level. Tennis has for so long lagged behind other sports such as swimming, gymnastics and martial arts in this respect. Only players who have won tournaments have been awarded for achievement. Now kids of all abilities have that chance! We introduced this in some of our groups last term and the kids love it. Our website News page will now be able to show kids and parents how they are doing too.

For more details about each group please click here.


During school holiday time our weekly junior courses take a well-earned break and we run weekday holiday camps. The way we have always run these is to take Mini Tennis Camps for 5-8 year olds in the morning for 2 hours, and then the older junior players in the afternoon either for 2 or 3 hours. We are reviewing our holiday programme at the moment so we might change this format for 2012. One possibility is to offer a choice of all day courses or just morning or afternoon. Whatever we decide it will be run within our maximum numbers per coach and court policies (see above). If you have any ideas or opinions on the format for our holiday camps then we'd love to hear from you. We will run holiday camps in Easter Holidays, Summer holidays, and most Half Terms. Downloadable forms for all of these will be made available on this web page as soon as we have them ready.

In holiday time we also sometimes offer other events and competitions in addition to our coaching courses. These have included Fun Days, Junior American Tournaments, Mini Tennis and Junior Matchplay Days, Handicap Events and Round Robins, and our own version of the Davis Cup. We will continue to offer other events for juniors in addition to our coaching programme, and these will be advertised on our website.


We run special invitation squads (usually 4 players) for juniors who we feel are showing particular promise in each age group. These players will receive a discount on the usual private squad rate for 4 players provided they achieve minimum targets we set in terms of effort and commitment.

Our Challenge Squad programme is available for talented players who are prepared to commit to a practice schedule set by the coaches. John and Doug design the whole practice schedule, so players know who they are practicing with, when they are practicing and what they are working on.

Forms for these squads are not available on the website, as they are only for invited players. If you are interested and think you might have what it takes to be in one of these squads then please contact John or Doug.


On Sundays during school term time we run weekly adult group lessons. The courses are for beginner, improver and intermediate level players. Many of our now established club members started their tennis in these groups and enjoyed them so much they decided to join. A lot of the players join term after term. We like to include plenty of singles and doubles tactics in addition to working on technique.

For more details about each group (not shown on form due to lack of space) please click here.


We also offer squads for team players so players can practice with their partners and work on tactics. Please let us know if you are interested in this. You can either make up your own group or we can try to match you up with similar players. We can work with both singles and doubles.