Autumn/Winter Singles Box Leagues 2021 Singles Box LeagueS

New Singles Box Leagues

Click here for Season 1 Leagues and to enter results

Important Notice

 It is very important that you read all the rules about the leagues before you enter.


  1. The box leagues will be mixed so men and women can be in the same division. The competition is only open to full members. Juniors with adult status may also enter.

  2. Players will be ranked and put into divisions with the aim of playing everyone in the division by a set play by date. Everyone will receive by e-mail a contact list for players in their division.

  3. Matches will be one pro set - first to 10 games and 2 clear, with a match tie break (up to 10 points and 2 clear) at 9-9. There will be no advantages so sudden death points at deuce with receiver’s choice of side. Please do not knock up for too long or you may not leave adequate time for your match as players may have booked the court for the following session. Singles league matches do not have any priority over other bookings so you cannot expect players who have booked to wait for you to finish.

  4. The match winner must input the result on the club website. Please make sure you put the result in reverse in the relevant box for the loser of the match too.

  5. At the end of the league season new divisions will be drawn up according to results.

  6. Please do not enter unless you are going to commit to playing your matches. Players who do not play any matches in season one will be taken out for season two unless they have a good excuse.

  7. Players are responsible for arranging their own matches and supplying their own balls.

  8. The player who arranges the match shall give at least 3 dates for the match to be played with at least 1 weekend date and at least 1 weekday date.

Please be aware that by entering you are giving permission for your mobile number and E-Mail address to be shared with the other players in your division. In the case of junior players the contact details should be those of a parent.