October 2016 Newsletter
Barnet LTC – October 2016 Newsletter
Mixed 1 Day Tournament
This event is taking place next Saturday 8th October from 1.30pm. Entry is £4 per player, payable on the day. There is still chance to enter by emailing John Hall on JohnH811@aol.com or signing up on the sheet in the clubhouse. Closing date is Thursday.
Please bring along some light refreshments to share.
Quiz Night
Martin Dawson’s “Half ‘n’ Half” Quiz also takes place on Saturday 8th October from 7.30pm. A mixture of music and trivia, entry is £4 per player (nibbles included). Sign up in the clubhouse. You can enter with your own table of 8 or just add your name and we will find you some fellow quizzers!
Autumn Finals Day
The finals of our Autumn Championships are fast approaching. They will take place on Saturday 15th October. Please note this will include our Junior Finals too, so there promises to be some exciting matches. First round of finals will take place from approximately 11.45am.
Please come and support all our finalists, young and older. Contributions towards a buffet would also be appreciated.
Barnet LTC Annual General Meeting
Our AGM is due to take place on Sunday 16th October at 2pm. As many members as possible are asked to attend. The Chairman John Kamenou and his committee present the annual reports, and election of the new committee takes place. Minutes of the previous meeting, which was held last October, are available in the clubhouse and on the club website. A nominations list is also posted in the clubhouse. There are a number of vacancies including Men’s and Ladies Captains, Secretary and Social tennis Secretary. Anyone interested in standing for a post will need to be nominated and seconded by another adult member. If you think you might be interested, please speak to one of the current committee. Please note any items from members to be raised under AOB need to be notified in advance. This can be done by leaving in a sealed envelope in the ‘Suggestions Box’ in the clubhouse or emailing to bltcadmin@barnetltc.org by Friday 7th October at the latest.
It would be great if there was a good turnout for this event, so please come along and show your support for the club and find out what the committee has in store for the year ahead.
Junior Night
Please note, Friday night match play night has now finished until next summer term.
Autumn Half Term Tennis Camps
The coaching team will be running 5 day camps this October half term for mini tennis players and older juniors. Leaflets are available in the clubhouse or follow the link on our Barnet LTC website http://www.barnetltc.com/coaching/#course-info
Singles League and Team Tennis
As Autumn gets underway, out internal winter competitions are due to start. Details for the singles league will be published shortly.
Team Tennis (doubles) – matches take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons (from 1pm). Players of all standards are welcome to enter but you must be adult, or a junior with adult status. You play as part of a team, so this is an excellent way of getting to know other members. For more details and to enter, please follow the link; http://www.barnetltc.com/tournaments/#team-tennis
Wimbledon Opt-in
If you have a British Tennis Membership you should have received an e-mail from LTA confirming that you can now opt in to be eligible for next year’s Wimbledon ticket draw. Once you have logged in, just follow the instructions.
For those members without a BTM, you are entitled to free membership as a member of our club. Just follow the link to complete.
Don’t forget to put Barnet LTC as your venue.
Getting messy
Unfortunately there have been a few complaints about the state in which some members leave the courts. This is not a comment about the condition of the players, but more about the rubbish they leave behind! Please make sure you take your bottles, beakers, balls and banana skins with you!
Watch Out!
Sometimes the club puts on an event and members are heard to say “I didn’t know it was happening”. For most things that are organised there are posters around the clubhouse and in the outside noticeboards (and sometimes on the gate), we send specific emails, we advertise via the newsletter and mention on our website and Facebook page. We’re not sure what else we can do! Please make sure you keep an eye out for information so that you can enjoy all that the club has to offer!
Park Run
On Sunday 9th October, one of our members, Chris Williams, is taking place in a Royal Parks Half Marathon in aid of NSPCC, trying to protect children from abuse and neglect. Chris is aiming for 1 hour 30 mins and would be grateful for any donations.
In Chris’ words “Hopefully my fund raising ability is as good as my double faulting and shouting ability on a tennis court!” We wish him good luck!