March 2016 Newsletter

Barnet LTC - March 2016 Newsletter


Membership Renewals

By now you have hopefully received your invitation pack to renew your membership for 2016/17. Please read through carefully and then send it back, either by post, email, or by posting it in our letterbox. For one year only the club is freezing its Early Bird membership price.

Don’t forget you will need to renew before 1st April in order to qualify for the Early Bird Discount and the Wimbledon ticket draw. We look forward to seeing you all back on court.


Whist Drive 5th March

If you haven’t already signed up for our Whist Drive, you have just a few more days to do so. It takes place this Saturday 5th March and will start at 7.30pm and cost £4 per player. Nibbles provided. For those already familiar with the game, it will be a progressive format with prizes along the way. Beginners are welcome too. If you want to have a practise game, please come along to our social session on Friday evening, where Linda Searles our social secretary will be on hand.


Easter Bank Holiday Tournament

Our final Bank Holiday American Tournament of the year takes place on Easter Monday March 28th. It will start at 2pm prompt. Entry fee will be £4. All welcome…come and work off those Easter eggs!


Casino Night

On Saturday 2nd April we are holding a Casino Night from 8pm onwards. This will be an evening where you can dress to impress, whilst sipping your cocktails and sampling the canapes. I hear there may even be a red carpet! There will be chance to risk it all at Roulette, Blackjack and Poker tables.

Tickets are £10 which gives you your tokens for the night and, if you pay in advance, a free cocktail. There will be a prize of a hamper for whoever has the most tokens at the end of the night. If you would like to come along, there will be a sign-up sheet appearing soon in the clubhouse. Volunteers to take a turn at manning the Blackjack and Poker tables would be appreciated. Please see Linda Searles if you think you can help.


Wimbledon Draw

On Sunday 3rd April the draw for this year’s Wimbledon tickets will take place at approximately 4pm after the club tennis session. Don’t forget that to be eligible, you will need to be a paid up member and have opted in. All are welcome to come and join in a game of tennis and find out if you will be sitting on centre court later this year.


Team Tennis

With only a few more matches to go, the battle continues to find this year’s Team Tennis champs.  At the moment there would appear to be a clear winner emerging.


Team Captains

As the winter season draws to a close, team captains are reminded that all match fees, including payment for floodlights (where appropriate) need to be handed in to Isabelle Ridgewell, our Treasurer. This applies to Team Tennis captains too.


Club wi-fi and phone line

To make things easier the club now has a single phone line 020 8449 4434 for all enquiries, including membership. For those members who wish to make use of our wi-fi when at the club, please note that the password has changed. Log in details are posted in the clubhouse, just below the phone near the bar.

                                                            Matches             Sets           Games

Name of Team                        Pl       W     L    D         W  L            W    L            Points

1. Scary Beetroots (D)             7        7     0     0        34      8        231     121           35

2. Fenn’s Fennomenoms (C)  6       3     4     0         14     22       134     173          17

3. Smithical Creatures (A)       7       2     5     0         18     24       174     206         16

4. Banksy’s Blasters (B)           6       2     4    0          14     22       147     180          14

5. Senior’s Servers (E)              5       2     3    0          10     14        101     116           13

Coaching and tennis camps

The next coaching newsletter will be coming out soon with details of holiday coaching courses and groups for the summer term.



Geoff Arnett