February 2016 Newsletter
Barnet LTC – February 2016 Newsletter
Club Ballot for Wimbledon Tickets
This is a reminder that you have until February 19th to opt in to the LTA Wimbledon Ballot. This is important for two reasons. As a club member you will only be eligible to be entered into our draw if you have completed the Opt In process. Opting in doesn’t guarantee you a ticket, but it will count towards the club’s allocation. You will need your BTM username and password to log in. Then simply click on the opt in button.
This year’s draw will take place on Sunday 3rd April.
Whist Drive
On Saturday 5th March we are holding a Whist Drive. This will start at 7.30pm and cost £4 per player. Nibbles provided. For those already familiar with the game, it will be a progressive format with prizes along the way. Beginners are welcome too. Anyone not sure of the rules or who would like to practise, is welcome to come along to one of our Friday evening social sessions, where the evening often ends with a game. There is a sign up list in the clubhouse. This promises to be a good evening, so do join us.
Family Bingo Night and Social Events
In May we are intending to hold a Family Bingo Night (date to be confirmed). Our new Social Secretary Linda Searles is doing a great job of introducing some new events, but if you have any more ideas, she would love to hear from you too. You can email her via the club at info@barnetltc.org
New Mini Membership
The club is introducing a new category for parents of mini tennis members to allow them to practise with their child. At £40 you will have access to the courts at all times, apart from peak times at weekends (Saturday and Sunday mornings), as long as you are hitting with your child. For more information, contact our membership secretary Judy Williamson via membership@barnetltc.org
Membership Deal
Don’t forget our current membership deal. Any NEW member who joins now will have up to 14 months membership for the price of 12, with membership running up to 31st March 2017.
New Member Buddy Scheme
The committee are keen to introduce a Buddy scheme so that any new members can be put in touch with someone, once they join, to help them get to know other members. We are looking for a team of buddies of all levels and ages. If you would like to be considered in this role then please get in touch via info@barnetltc.org
Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers
It’s that time of year and the collecting box is back in the clubhouse, so if you can save your Active Vouchers for BLTC, they will be gratefully received. We trade them in to get valuable equipment for our coaches to use.
Dates for the diary
If you are planning your holidays, please note that this year’s Club Finals are on Saturday July 16th for adults, Saturday July 23rd for juniors. The “Lofty Lofts” BLTC Junior Open is scheduled for the week beginning July 25th.
Club Security
We want to keep our club a safe and secure place for our members. With that in mind we ask you to keep our gate shut at all times. If someone is waiting to be let in, please also resist the urge to call out the gate code!
Our court gates also need to be kept closed, especially when play has finished, to protect the courts from furry intruders.