November 2017 Newsletter
Barnet LTC Committee
Following our recent AGM, we are pleased to announce our newly elected committee for the 2017/2018 period;
President (non-elected) – Sylvia Stewart
Chairman – John Kamenou
Treasurer – Isabelle Ridgewell
Secretary – Jeannette Cowan
Membership Secretary – Judy Williamson
Ladies’ Captain – Su Ching Pryor
Men’s Captain – Danny Williamson
Bar Manager – VACANT
Social Secretary – Linda Searles
Maintenance Secretary – Martin Dawson
Welfare Officer - Sue Littleford
Social Tennis Secretary – Paul Barkley
Press and Publicity Officer – Colin Fenn
Club Coach – John Hall
Thank you to all those who attended the meeting. Minutes and Reports are available for viewing on our website
Please note, that position of Bar Manager is still vacant. This is an important role in order for the club to be able to hold social events and raise money for the club. If you think you can help, please contact one of the members of the committee. This is a role that could be shared.
Sunday 5th November
This Sunday is a busy one on court with two home matches taking place; a Middlesex cup starting at 12pm (3 courts) and Over 45's men's at 1pm (2 courts). There will be spare courts but not many!
Casino Night – Saturday 11th November
After last year’s success, our next event is another “red carpet” Casino Night. Doors open at 8pm. Tickets cost £10 with a free cocktail for early sign ups/advance bookings. Canapes will be served from 9pm with the bar open until late. There will be a prize for the person who can make the most with their gambling chips (included in entry fee).
Friends and family (non-members) welcome, as long as you all dress to impress!
Please sign up in the clubhouse if you wish to attend.
If anyone has experience running a Black Jack table and could help out, please let Linda Searles know on 07973 834797
Tennis Fit
There are 2 final sessions of Stephen’s Thursday Tennis Fit taking place on Thursday 2nd November and Thursday 9th November 7pm to 8pm. Those who have attended have given great feedback but we need more people, so please come and try it out while you still can!
Singles League
Don’t forget that you only have until November 5th to enter the Autumn/Winter Singles League. Players may enter either on-line using the link below or via the entry list on the clubhouse notice-board. Juniors are welcome to enter, as long as they are playing full court (green or yellow ball). Juniors who are capable of competing with adults may be merged into adult groups, but there will also be junior groups if there are enough entries. All results will be sent in to count towards LTA ratings. To find out more and send in your entry please click the link…
Team Tennis- David Tomlinson Cup
Entry for team tennis has now closed and, if they haven’t already, your captain will soon be in touch! This year the winning team will not only receive their individual medals but also be recipients of The David Tomlinson Cup, in memory of our former Chairman who was a great advocate of the event.
Recycling tennis balls
Our Ladies captain Su Pryor has started recycling used tennis balls for the club. For every 200 balls the club will receive £40, which is a great way to utilise all the balls we get through in matches, tournaments etc. If you have any unwanted balls to add, please place in to the black bucket in the clubhouse (under the table by the old token machine). Please note, they shouldn’t be wet, dirty or fluffy! Su has already sent off the first 200, so providing they meet the criteria for wear and tear our first £40 should be on its way….
Wimbledon Opt-in
Don’t forget to opt in to be eligible for next year’s Wimbledon ticket draw. If you are a BTM once you have logged in, just follow the instructions.
For those members without a BTM, you are entitled to free membership as a member of our club. Just follow the link to complete.
Don’t forget to put Barnet LTC as your venue.
Quiz Night
Martin Dawson hosted another challenging (and fun!) quiz night. Many thanks to all those who donated raffle prizes which meant that over £120 was donated to Stand Up To Cancer.
Another reminder about treating our scoring posts with care. Unfortunately, the yellow and red plastic game and set markers get broken, particularly when players use their rackets, rather than their hands, to clear the score. Bob Price and Martin Dawson will tell you how fiddly they are to replace! Please help to keep them happy by treating them gently….
Date for the diary
The ever popular Mistletoe and Wine event takes place on Sunday 10th December. More details in our next issue.