December 2017 Newsletter
Mistletoe and Wine – Sunday 10th December
Our popular Mistletoe and Wine Event takes place on Sunday 10th December, 1pm start. Come along for a festive afternoon of tennis and other activities, devised by Head Coach John Hall. There will be mulled wine and mince pies to help the event go with a swing! Entry fee is £5. No need to sign up, just turn up, for an afternoon of fun; but please be prompt!
There will also be a Christmas Family Tournament over the festive period. The date will be decided nearer the time, depending on weather, so watch out for updates via email, coaching newsletter or Facebook.
New Year’s Eve at BLTC
If you want to see in the New Year with friends and family, then our bar will be open from 8pm. All welcome to come along for a night of good music, dancing and great company.
David Tomlinson Team Tennis Cup
The first team tennis results are in! Mike Searle’s team are having more of a hit than a miss so far, but there is all to play for…
Team Matches played Points scored
Team C -Hit and Miss 3 11
Team B – Loony Legends 2 9
Team D – Slam Dunks 2 6
Team E – Smith’s Smashers 1 2
Team A – Rice’s Rock and Ralliers 2 2
Singles League
A small but steady trickle of matches have so far been played in the new Singles Leagues. It’s time to make it a flood! So, if you haven’t yet started please don’t wait for others to contact you. The leagues really need everyone to be pro-active in arranging matches, otherwise there are whole divisions where everyone waits for others and nobody ever plays. It would be great if everyone can play at least 1 or 2 matches before Christmas. Remember all results count towards L.T.A. ratings. Please take note of the format and rules.
Seasonal Membership Offer
If any of you are looking for ideas for a Christmas present for a friend or family member, then once again we are offering a great seasonal deal on membership. Pay for the whole of 2018/19 season from Christmas time onwards, and you can become a member straight away – that’s up to 3 months extra free – and at last year’s prices!! Please contact our membership secretary Judy Williamson on for more details.
Don’t forget our referral scheme for membership. Introduce a new full member to the club and you will now get a £20 voucher to take off your own renewal fee.
Bar Manager
Unfortunately, we are still looking to fill the position of bar manager. This is a key role and we are very keen to maintain the social side of our club, which is enjoyed by many members. Without help in this vital role there is a concern that the "fun stuff" will suffer. The various functions also help considerably towards club funds.
Until the position is filled permanently, we are looking to get a rota of volunteers who may be willing to help out on an ad hoc basis, but who are unable to commit permanently. If you think you would be able to help either keep the bar stocked, or be prepared to serve behind the bar at the various functions, then please get in touch with our Chairman, John Kamenou via
Any support you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Trade in
Calling all plumbers, electricians and carpenters lurking amongst our membership. If you have any of these skills and would be willing and able to help out every now and then with maintenance jobs, then please get in touch via
Court Safety
At this time of year, the pathways and courts can be slippery. Players are reminded of their own responsibility with respect to playing in poor weather conditions. We want our members to enjoy their tennis, but to stay safe.