Easter Holiday Junior Camps 2025
Players will be split into appropriate groups depending on age and ability, and suitable mini tennis equipment will be used for younger players.
Mini Tennis Groups (ages 5-9) Courses will concentrate on co-ordination, ball and racket skills, movement and simple rules and tactics. The main strokes of the game will be included, but the emphasis will be on fun and enjoyment.
More experienced mini tennis players will be able to work on more advanced strokes and tactics, and take part in match-play.
Junior Groups (ages 10- 16) Younger players and beginners may use mini tennis green balls to help them start to rally and develop basic strokes.
Improvers and intermediate level players will use conventional tennis balls, and course content will aim to develop basic strokes and introduce more advanced stroke technique, footwork and singles and doubles tactics.
Full day and half day tennis camps are available during the Easter holidays. Players will be grouped according to age and ability, and use appropriate balls and court size. Our camps are suitable for players from 5 to 16 years of age. Please bring a packed lunch for a full day camp.
Week 1 - Monday 7th April - Friday 11th April (5 days)
Week 2 - Monday 14th April - Thursday 17th April (4 days)
Morning Sessions are from 10am - 12:30pm each day Afternoon Sessions are from 1:30 - 4pm each day
Week 1 Prices (5 days):
Full Day Camps: £150 Members / £188 Non Members
All Mornings or Afternoons: £81 Members / £99 Non Members
Any individual full day: £40 Members / £47 Non Members
Any individual 1/2 day (morning or afternoon): £22 Members / £26 Non Members
Week 2 Prices (4 days):
Full Day Camps: £120 Members / £150 Non Members
All Mornings or Afternoons: £64 Members / £79 Non Members
Any individual full day: £40 Members / £47 Non Members
Any individual 1/2 day (morning or afternoon): £22 Members / £26 Non Members
All bookings will be acknowledged. Once your place is confirmed you will receive an e-mail with the relevant details to make a bank transfer. Alternatively you can pay by cheque.
Contact details: Douglas Morley (Head Coach)
Telephone: 07713 951489 (mobile)
E-Mail: dtmorleybltc@gmail.com
Website: www.barnetltc.com
Important Notices:
1. For safety reasons parents should collect their children from the back of the courts – not from the car park or from Gloucester Road. Children of primary school age will be instructed to stay with the coaches at court-side until they have been collected. Any parents with children of this age who are allowed to go home by themselves must write a covering letter.
2. Players should wear sports clothing (no jeans etc.) and be prepared for all weather conditions. Tennis shoes must be non-marking with no studs.
3. Cancelled lessons. If we feel conditions are not fit for play we will send texts to the mobile numbers on the reply slips, where possible between half an hour and hour prior to the lesson time. Players will be given credit vouchers which can be used for other courses in the event of lessons being cancelled due to bad weather.. If you are in doubt about a lesson taking place please turn up to check. Please note players may not claim credits for lessons they miss which have not been cancelled.
4. Neither Barnet Lawn Tennis Club, nor any of the coaches working at the club, shall be liable for any injury sustained by anyone taking part in the above activity. We will undertake, however, to exercise all reasonable care and attention in making activities as safe as possible.
Important Information
For safety reasons parents should collect their children from the back of the courts – not from the car park or from Gloucester Road. Children of primary school age will be instructed to stay with the coaches at court-side until they have been collected. Any parents with children of this age who are allowed to go home by themselves must write a covering letter.
Members of Barnet L.T.C. have priority on booking, but only if received at least five days in advance.
Players should wear ‘recognised tennis clothing’. No football shirts, jeans etc. Tennis shoes must be non-marking with no studs.
Cancelled lessons. If we feel conditions are not fit for play we will send texts to the mobile numbers on the reply slips, where possible between half an hour and hour prior to the lesson time. Players will be given credit vouchers which can be used for other courses in the event of lessons being cancelled due to bad weather. These will be issued on the final day of each course. If you are in doubt about a lesson taking place please turn up to check. Please note players may not claim credits for lessons they miss which have not been cancelled.
Neither Barnet Lawn Tennis Club, nor any of the coaches working at the club, shall be liable for any injury sustained by anyone taking part in the above activity. We will undertake, however, to exercise all reasonable care and attention in making activities as safe as possible.